TQD air curtain
The small column air curtain TQD has been developed especially for being mounted sideways near revolving doors or carousels with sliding doors. The vertical mounting and the high discharge speed in the lower part of the unit, ensure these air curtains offer optimum protection, including at floor level.

This air curtain comes in two different versions:

Mounting on one side

Mounting on two sides
The air curtain is selected on the basis of the revolving door.

High quality and a five-year guarantee
All NHS air curtains comply with the highest quality standards. When you purchase an air curtain you receive a five-year guarantee.

A design that fits the look of your revolving door
We match the design of the air curtains to the design, door radius, materials and colours of your revolving door. The units are available in different colours and materials and in terms of look they match every possible revolving door.

Installation in a flash
The TQD air curtains are easy to mount. You can mount the TQD air curtain to the floor with the supplied console. You can choose to have the connections at the top or the bottom of the unit.
Heating methods
Hot water
Air curtains that are heated by hot water have a heat exchanger that is connected to the central-heating network. We equip air curtains with a heating battery as standard, which is suitable for hot water of 60/40ºC (W). Air curtains are also available with a heating battery for low temperatures
of 45/35ºC (LW). For optimum energy savings it is always important to adjust your air curtains properly with your central-heating boiler, city or district heating, heat pump or other sources of sustainable energy.
Our electric air curtains (E) automatically adjust the control of heat and ventilation. It goes without saying that these air curtains have a safety circuit.

Good to know!
An air curtain with a heat pump is the most energy-efficient heating method. It is approximately 73% more efficient than an air curtain with electric heating.
The energy costs of an electric air curtain are around 53% higher than those of an air curtain that works on the basis of hot water from a central-heating boiler.

Renewed interface with touch screen
A modern look and improved ease of use: those are the big advantages of the control panel of our air curtains. It gives you even easier access to familiar functionalities. Installation is also easier than ever, as is adjusting settings. The new interface is very complete and among the most user-friendly on the market.
Innovative control
Automatic and semi-automatic control
Do you want to be assured of the correct settings? And don’t have to worry about your air curtain? Then the innovative control of NHS Air Curtains offers a solution. You have the choice between automatic and semi-automatic control, depending on the additional functions you select. The big advantage over manual operation? The certainty of an optimal indoor climate and minimal energy consumption. After all, with manual operation you run the risk that the selected settings do not match the circumstances, so that the heated or cooled air still flows away through doors and entrances.
Our innovative control system is suitable for all types of air curtains. From hot water to electric air curtains and from hybrid to unheated and direct expansion air curtains.

Standard features
Our air curtains are standard equipped with the following functions:
- Airflow speed selection (5 positions).
- Choice of heating power (with electric air curtain, 3 positions).
- Summer-winter function (230V) with solenoid valve or pump control.
- Possibility to control several air curtains with one control. Useful for large and wide entrances that require several air curtains.
- For air curtains with a filter, a timer is built in so that the user knows when the filter needs to be cleaned.
- Partial or full integration into a building management system or retail scheme. For example, you can switch an air curtain on or off via the building management system or operate it with a 0-10V signal.